Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Inspiration The Elusive Minx

Inspiration...hmmm that really is so evident and yet so elusive. You see inspiration has no rhyme or reason for me. Where it comes from is never common place or consistent. It could be music, art, film, life, nature, dance, fashion, a PB & J sandwich excetera excetera. I really would like to harness it. One minute it is here the next poof gone. Or could it just be that I have mild to moderate form of ADHD, no really I can be all over the place. Could it be the copious amounts of sugar I can consume in one sitting? I once put 4 whole boxes of smarties in my mouth on a dare, needless to say my Mother had to peel me off the ceiling from my sugar high. I really can't say but I can say with undoubted certainty that my wide and vast ocean of imagination has never wained or faded. It is almost a need not just a want. I need to be lost in the cascades of lollipop land and gumdrop sunsets. It is my escape, always has been. I can be who and what I have always wanted to be with no regret or compromise. In this land, I am beautiful, strong, playful, courageous and free. I do feel these things in everyday life but here there is no compromise or explanation.

Growing up does not have to mean losing your child like wonder or sense for adventure. I think in our quests to put things in nice and neat ordered little boxes of conformity we lose, well US in the process. I guess what I am trying to say is, I don't need to harness my inspirations, just delight and feel blessed that I am still able to have them.