As my previous blog post demonstrated I am trying to focus and create a more regimented manner in which I am creative. First off I am going to try and write a blog at least once a month, I know that dosen't sound that daunting but for me it actually is, so here goes.
While it being the Canadian Thanksgiving this past weekend I always try to sit and reflect on what I am most thankful for, of course family and friends are at the top of my list. However, the landscape of my friendships I have noticed has changed quite significantly over these past few years. I have created or established a wide array of friendships globally due to the use of the Internet. Through various social media sites, like Myspace,, Twitter and Facebook, various chat rooms and the like, I have been able to meet, chat and develop quite amazing friendships with people I have never met. Whether it is through music, film, political affiliations or charitable causes we happen to be associated with, we have been able to find and forge a common bond and thus a relationship. This rises the question, since we are hiding behind the safety of the computer screen and never actually having a physical interaction with said person can this still be considered a "real" relationship; I think yes and no.
Yes, I believe that these relationships are real. I open up and talk openly and honestly with these people with no immediate fear of being rejected or dismissed because I am sitting behind this computer screen and am thus shielded. I am able to let my guard down and actually be the "real" me to whomever I am conversing with. It doesn't matter what I look like, or what car I drive, or how much square footage my house is, when I am clicking my thoughts down on the computer keys I am me. Without the tool of the Internet I would never of had the opportunity to meet, interact, learn and grow with and from these people because of sheer geography. Information sharing, learning about new cultures and different ways of living and seeing the world has allowed me to grow and evolve as a woman and a human being. Well that is how I am anyways. I have been able to physically meet some of these amazing people and have been able to take these friendships to another level because of it.
On the other side, if one is using the Internet to create a persona or version of themselves because their self esteem is so low they think that they could never be the "real" them for fear of being rejected or made fun of , then this is a negative. When a computer screen and animated characters are replacing actual one on one interactions with anyone, this is where technology is a detriment. We as human beings NEED social interaction to function and have a sense of belonging. If we feel like we do not belong we feel disenfranchised and alone. If our only sense of belonging exists on the Internet and not in the outside world this is where a tool used to connect us does the complete opposite. So I guess what I am trying to say like anything in life, one can only get out of anything what they put into it. Like any tool mankind has created in the light of advancement, be sure not to let its bright lights and pretty buttons blind side you as too what is really important in this life, authentic friendships and genuine love. xxoo