Sunday, February 8, 2015

The Journey Continues....

They say repeating an action consistently over a three week time period will subconsciously establish a routine. Well I am into my sixth week of my twelve week transformation and I am certainly noticing a shift in my actions and mindset.  I have consistently made progress in my endurance and distance in my outdoor trail running and I have been using the Vidadish pre-portioning containers which have made my food choices a lot easier to manage, prepare and take with me. Now I am not going to say it has been a piece of cake, mmmm cake, just kidding.  There definitely have been bumps and obstacles so far in my diet and my exercise journey.  Losing track of time, not slotting enough time to exercise or breathe for that matter and more significantly, not prepping my healthy food choices ahead of time, have all put mini detours and bumps to me sailing along my new path successfully.  These mini bumps have given me great pause and reflection on how I associate myself to food and exercise.

I have always associated food as a reward, a treat to be savored in sin, not a necessary fuel used to energize my body.  On the flip side, I have always associated exercise as a form of punishment or another form of work; I mean it is called a workout right.

These past few weeks, I have really tried to say present and be in the moment.  When I notice myself slipping back into old familiar habits of collapsing on the couch or indulging in that second or third piece of decadent dessert, I pause and ask myself how will this action benefit or enrich my life either physically or emotionally? If it doesn't then it isn't the right choice for  the me I want to be today.

One of the cool aspects of this 12 week transformation program is the weekly calls to write in our personal journals.  For this sixth week we were asked to write about what was the biggest turning point in your life and how did this memory contribute to the path you have chosen in life?  This topic is significant for me; my biggest turning point was when I was severely bullied in grade 2.  I was swarmed and taunted, called names, pushed, rocks and food were thrown at me by the school ground mob that engulfed me.  As you can imagine I was terrified.  At that moment I decided to live my life in a small way, live under the radar, if I go unnoticed then I can’t be hurt right?  Wrong, I believe it was Marianne Williamson who wrote:

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our” own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”

So at this time in my life I am consciously deciding to live my life in a large, empowering way not only to lift myself up but possibly to lift those around me up through my positive, healthy way of life I am choosing to live now in the present.

How are YOU choosing to live your “biggest” life right now?

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Happy New Year! Come Along On My Journey for 2015!

As some of you may know, I first published this blog with back in October of 2014.  But, since this is my personal journey I wanted to share it on my personal blog as well.  Come along with me and I hope you can relate and find inspiration in my story.

Hello my name is Dina and I am a serial dieter.  Statement that I am sure many of you have made as well.  I think I was 13 when I went on my first ‘diet’.  

You see, I lived in a house with a mother who was overweight, some would say obese.  I would watch as she hid food and snuck ‘forbidden’ treats late at night when she thought no one would hear or see.  I thought that his behavior was normal and common place.  Isn't this the kind “healthy” relationship we are supposed to have with our food?

I can lose weight, I have many, many times, more times than I can count, but keeping it off and believing that I deserved to be healthy and happy has been another story.

As some of you may know, I am a Public Relations Consultant for a boutique PR agency in Vancouver called A Cue Creative Consulting.  We have been working, growing and connecting with PowHERhouse for quite some time now.  I have been able to see firsthand the positive effects having a supportive network of like minded women can have not only on your business but your way of life as well.

So when Charlene offered me this opportunity to participate in her 12 week Transformation Program, I knew I had to jump on it.  Finally figuring out how to incorporate a work, life balance and learn that eating healthy and exercising is not a punishment but a gift to give your healthy self, is just priceless for any working woman trying to find more time and energy in any given day. I guess you could say these new ways of thinking and living would be my cause for taking this program but I would only be partly correct.  I am also attempting to conquer one of my lifelong nemesis’s running, I am going to be running my very first 5km race this year. 

Anyone who knows me knows that the idea of me becoming a runner would be a complete far-fetched concept never mind a reality for me.  But I am here to say that ways of thinking and perceptions are made to be broken, albeit transformed.  So as a means of keeping me accountable and committed to this cause, I want to invite you all to come along on my personal journey of self discovery and transformation.  I will be blogging about my successes, failures, experiences and struggles not only with this program but along my entire training journey to my running races in 2015.  They say a journey begins with just one step; well come along as I go one stride at a time.