Monday, January 6, 2014

Trust, What Does It Mean?

So here we have it, another year upon us! 

Like many of you, 2013 saw many changes and transitions for me.  It truly was one hell of a roller coaster of a ride, full of highs and just as many lows.  I am still in the ebb part of my transition and have been progressively forced to learn to surrender and trust in the process, and allow both the dark and the light to envelope, caress, console, fire up and enlighten me through my next cocoon life phase.  Me being the consummate control freak has made this a very complex and exhausting endeavour.  I guess, the biggest kernel of knowledge that I have taken from this experience has been an understanding, that this is and will always be an ever evolving lesson; a lesson in how to truly understand and encompass the very different levels and nuances of the word 'TRUST'

Trust is such a basic yet complicated word.  What is it to truly trust?  Trust in the process they keep telling me.  Trust that this is where you are suppose to be at this point in your life.  Trust that this process will lead you on the path you are intended to be on.  But what does this mean, trust what??

I guess the point is, there is no right or wrong definition. Trust is a concept that can and will always mean something different for each person, each person who is quiet and still enough to listen to his or her own unique definition.  Trust to me, means having faith and understanding that things will evolve and happen how they should, in their own due time and occurrence.  Trust also means to me, that I have unique abilities and understandings about myself and my place on this earth.  I am valuable and when the time comes I will be able to constructively contribute to whatever life puts before me, both good and bad and be able to come out on the other side, weathered but triumphant.

So as 2014 starts to unfold before us, I say we do something a bit different.  I 'trust' that this year is going to be life changing for me.  I chose to blaze a new path this year.  I am going to start off by concentrating on the positive and celebrate it if you will.  I have created a "My Positive Life Moments of 2014" jar.  Every time a positive occurrence, feeling, event etc. happens to me through this upcoming year, I am going to write it down on a piece of paper and add it to my jar of positivity.  Then on New Year's Eve of 2014, I will open up the jar and relive each and every positive and uplifting event I had the privilege to experience. 

Can you think of a better way to ring in another year?  Will you all join me and give this a try? 

I trust that your life will be forever changed if you do!

xxxoo Dina

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