Saturday, January 26, 2013

The Medium Is the Message or Is it?

Who knew that this many years later the infamous quote from Marshall McLuhan would still be ringing true today but with a bit of a twist.  “The medium is the message” was coined back in the 1970’s and back then McLuhan was trying to emphasize that the way we say something is more important than the words we use to say it, interesting and profound for that time.  Today, with the onslaught of the internet and more importantly the use of social media this profound notion has evolved even further, the medium itself has become the message. 

No longer do we turn to traditional avenues of information searching like newspapers, tv or radio; no we go to the internet now to get our news.  Recognizing how their readers and viewers are now consuming information, media outlets themselves have turned to social media to gather and present their news.  Those of us too busy to read an entire newspaper will turn to twitter and scan the posts and possible links from major media outlets to get our fill of the days happenings locally and globally.  In fact, when major news is breaking in the world it is usually twitter that will break it first.  This was the most evident during the Syrian uprising and citizen journalists were tweeting and posting videos of the rioting and mayhem when the country had put a ban on all media coming in and or going out.  So what does all this mean?

This means that the need to be immediate far outweighs the need to be accurate when presenting the hard news.  This means the ability to connect via the internet has replaced many individuals want for face to face interaction.  This means the avenues in which companies and individuals market themselves will be determined how their target audiences consume information.  This means the medium itself has become the message. 

Social media is an amazing tool and should be used as just that a tool of many to communicate and interact with individuals of any and all target audiences.  But we as consumers must also do our due diligence and understand that information presenting and consuming has forever been altered and how we chose to digest this information must change along with it.  This will continuously evolve as technology and the means in which we communicate continues to evolve.  Where will this end up?  I don’t have those answers but I do know I need to update my facebook status to contemplative.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Sometimes you just need to take a hike!

Well 2013 is upon us kiddies and it promises to be an excellent year!  You know I do say that at the beginning of every new year like we all do, wishing and believing that this year, yup this year is gonna be different.  Sometimes it is and sometimes it isn't but what I have learned in the few years on this earth is that how you perceive your life will determine how it actually comes to fruition.
If we are constantly believing that nothing is gonna change and your life is miserable then odds are it is gonna be. 
Sounds simple right, in theory it is but in practice that is a whole other ball game.  You see I lost this a little while back.  I was so wrapped up in the big picture of my new life path and journey that I forgot to remember the immediate happenings around me, the little things.  Like the feeling of the crisp autumn air on your face as you take a stroll outside, the sheer magnitude and beauty of a sunset over a waterway or the swooping and swaying of a bird gliding through the open sky.  These little things are just as important, they make you feel connected to yourself and the world around you.  In an age when we are always plugged in to smartphones, ipads, laptops and such we have become more fragmented and stressed not only with our loved ones but with ourselves.

I lost myself a while back, with working two jobs and trying to get this new path on track I let go of the one thing that used to bring me such peace and rejuvenation and that was my daily walk.  I used to walk everyday as a means of decompressing after a long day.  I would put on my walking shoes and my ipod and out the door I went, able to just "be" for those 30 minutes and just breathe.  These walks always left me with a feeling of relaxation and invigoration at the same time, it was like my own personal meditation.   I slept better, was more creative and just felt a spring in my step.  Well as time in the day became a premium, my walk was the first thing to go.  As a result, over time I became lethargic, tired, overwhelmed and a wee bit depressed.  My weight crept up and my general outlook on life diminished.  With this new path coming to fruition before me I still felt this sense of stress and despair, everything I had been working for was happening why wasn't I overjoyed???

Then the other day, my friend Nadine posted a letter that Michael Moore wrote on his journey over the last 42 weeks of taking a 30 minute walk everyday just as a gift to himself, not to lose weight or exercise but as just as a means to just "be". This got me thinking, when was I the most content and at peace in my life? The answer, when I was walking!!  These past few days I have taken up Moore's challenge to take a 30 minute walk everyday and already I am feeling a shift.  I was able to take in a breathtaking sunset over the fraser river tonight and see the fog gently caress the snow capped rockies.  I wonder what I will be able to witness tomorrow. 
So friends and family, I am sending you a challenge, I challenge you to take a 30 minute walk everyday.  Put your kids in the strollers, grab your spouse, put a leash on your dog or whatever and just give yourself this 30 minute gift.  Rain or shine do it!! Not only will you notice a change in yourself but you will notice a change in your relationships with your kids, spouse and others.  You will feel more grounded and at peace.  So grab your shoes and lets all go for a walk! xxoo